Stodiya from Kuwait
June 25 at 10:08 am
Prayer request:-I'm Stodiya Joseph from Kuwait. I request your valuable prayer to have a healthy pregnancy and baby. I had two pregnancy losses last year,first baby I lost at 6 weeks due to lack of growth and heartbeat.Second baby I lost because of cervical insufficiency happened during six months.Now we are praying for another baby.So,kindly pray for us.
Calvin Brooks from the United States
June 25 at 9:34 am
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem
Calvin Brooks from the United States
June 25 at 9:31 am
Please pray that the business that me & my wife started, cleaning car headlights, shall be successful, with unlimited car headlights to clean, and people that we can talk to about the Lord, while cleaning their headlights.
Michael Perez from the United States
June 25 at 9:25 am
Please Pray for Dina Loi Perez to give her husband Michael another chance. For Dina to not give up on her Marrige and be focused on restoring it. For Dina to change her mind about staying single and living with her sisters, and decide give her husband another chance and stay Married and live with her husband again with their two children in the Name of Jesus Christ Yeshua Ha Mashiach Amen.
Lonnie from the United States
June 25 at 5:59 am
I have my mm3 hvac test today, i ask for favor, wisdom, peace, and a awesome passing Jesus name
Alfred from the United States
June 25 at 5:51 am
Jesus we ask you, to place on Eric heart the wisdom of serving you. And place upon him a burden that you can only that away by your precious blood that you gave on the cross that he can have eternity life through it
Karen from the United States
June 25 at 5:04 am
Please pray with me for my son to be delivered from the influences of the world and ungodly strongholds into a vibrant and intimate relationship with Jesus. In Jesus’ Name amen 🙏🏻
GJR from the United States
June 25 at 12:03 am
Thank You Lord blessed be Your Sovereign Name Forever,
1. Jesus returns soon even so come quickly Lord Rev. 22:20
2.For Jesus joy & justice, peace, and truth protects & dominion over Jerusalem Romans 14:27
3. The USA overcomes by the blood of the Lamb and filled with truth, light, trust and hope of Jesus & all backlash from the enemy be cancel forever, no more pain or shame
4. The healing transformation for my husband to be touched by the holy ghost fire and set free in Jesus name
5. Providence from above seeks and finds our family with blessings so great, that student financial aid be granted for my Son & grandchildren college & all debt be paid in full, for checks and love gifts to arrive by supernatural divine power from the direct signature signed by the hand of the Lord to supply every need according to God riches in glory Philippians 4:13-19
All these blessings be fulfilled in Jesus name, without delay or detour, and all glory be forever, exalted the Father in heaven, AMEN
Royston Kumar from Australia
June 24 at 11:03 pm
My name is Royston Kumar I am 24 years old I am from Australia my Father is Fijian and my mother is Native Australian my Ex- partner her name is Mahera Rawhiti she is from New Zealand and she has taken off with my 5-month-old daughter Leela-Rose to another state I have not seen my daughter for 2 months please pray that God will bring her back she also has 2 daughters from a previous relationship Katie and Trinity please pray for their health and wellbeing they are like my own daughters and I miss them please keep in prayer for Mahera that God will give her a revelation in her life that she may come to know our father in haven as she is not a believer also please pray that God will give me the strength and wisdom and understanding and pray for my Mental health thank you God Bless
Linda from the United Kingdom
June 24 at 7:05 pm
Please ‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.’
PSALM 122:6
Please pray for OUR
Heavenly G-D to heal OUR precious sister Maria from all of her afflictions!
Heavenly Father G-D, we stand on Your promise & believe in Your Word:-
‘Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose (wounds) stripes ye were healed.’
1 PETER 2:24
In Yeshua's name - Amien!
Many, many thanks!
May Yahweh bless you!
In anticipation of the return of
OUR Messiah Yeshua!!
Linda from the United Kingdom
June 24 at 7:01 pm
Please ‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.’
PSALM 122:6
Please pray for OUR
Heavenly G-D to heal OUR precious sister Maria from all her afflictions!
Heavenly Father G-D, we stand on Your promise & believe in Your Word:-
‘Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose (wounds) stripes ye were healed.’
1 PETER 2:24
In Yeshua's name - Amien!
Many, many thanks!
May Yahweh bless you!
In anticipation of the return of
OUR Messiah Yeshua!!
Luisito Destreza from the United States
June 24 at 4:26 pm
Please pray for the healing of my mother Gloria Destreza from her illness...May Hashem Adonai in Yeshua touch her illness and get healed...In the preacious blood of Yeshua ...Amen...
Pramod from the United States
June 24 at 3:58 pm
Please pray for my man hood that my marriage life can survive.
Dee from the United States
June 24 at 3:57 pm
Please Lift Me Up In Prayer God Bless You
Lois from the United States
June 24 at 3:35 pm
Urgent! Please pray for my daughter, Katlyn who is rebelling. She ran away to another state without telling our family and won't let us know her address. Doesn't want to see us. We don't know why. Now she says she got a job in Egypt and is leaving in July. She has no experiemce in teaching. We don't know name of company. Please pray for safety.
Alfred from the United States
June 24 at 2:19 pm
Please pray for Eric M. Please pray for his conversion to faith in Jesus Christ...
Pray for God’s grace for Eric.
Michael Perez from the United States
June 24 at 10:16 am
Please Pray for Michael Perez in Richmond Hill Georgia to be forgiven from his Sins and Inquity through the blood of Jesus Christ Yeshua Ha Mashiach Amen.
Please Pray for Marrige Restoration for Dina Loi Perez and Michael Perez in Richmond Hill Georgia. For Dina to change her mind and heart and to give her husband Michael another chance. Pray that The Almighty Holy Heavenly Father will guide and direct Dina to give another chance to her husband Michael to restore her Marrige and keep her family her two children and husband together living under one roof in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazereth Yeshua Ha Moshiach Amen.
TREANICE from the United States
June 24 at 10:05 am
PLEASE SEND PROSTERY now lord god need a financial WINDFALL ASAP. TO MEET MY NEEDS FOR THE REST OF THIS YEAR AND THE MONTH OF JULY 2018.LORD GOD I REALLY NEED YOUR HELP ,PLEASE HEAR MY CRY AND BECK AND CALL.PROTECT MY FAMILY FROM HARM AND DANGER, BRAKE EVERY STRONGHOLD,BREAK EVERY WITHCRAFTSPELL AND BAD LUCK THIS WOMAN HAS PLACED UPON MY FAMILY NOT TO SUSSCEED IN LIFE.i thank you inadvance that its already done lord god bless greater zion baptish church and forgive for their sins, bless clayton oaks where i work .remove all demonic spirits here in name of Jesus i pray. please stand in the gap now .
Niecey from United States from the United States
June 24 at 9:56 am
Please pray and fast that evil prayer of bad luck is broken off my life mother , son , 2 daughters and grandbaby. prayer for my son and grandbaby find a nice place to live. Bring money into our lives so we want be living from paycheck to pay check.please pray that whatever our hands touch and whever our feet travel that it will be in favor of the the.and that my FARTER WILL SUCH OUR HEARTS AND SHOW FAVOR THAT MY RENT IS PAID FOR EVRERY MONTH . PLEASE PRAY FOR LANDLORD THAT SHE WOULD HAVE A CHANGE OF HEART TOWARD HER ELDERLY TENTANTS THAT LIVE IN WILFORD GROUP PROPERTIES. IM 52 YEARS OLD AND FOR WHATEVER REASON my Farther she always showed dishonesty toward me and certain. pray for change in her life I FORGIVE HER WHAT WHAT SHE HAS DONE TO ME AND MY FAMILY OVER THE 9 YEARS I VE BEEN THERE.
Linda from the United Kingdom
June 24 at 9:21 am
Please ‘Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.’
PSALM 122:6
Please pray for OUR
Heavenly G-D - Yahweh - to heal OUR precious sister Penelope & OUR precious brothers Trevor & John from all their afflictions!
Heavenly Father G-D, we stand on Your promise & believe in Your Word:-
‘Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose (wounds) stripes ye were healed.’
1 PETER 2:24
In Yeshua's name - Amien!
Many, many thanks!
May Yahweh bless you!
In anticipation of the return of
OUR Messiah Yeshua!!
West from the United States
June 24 at 7:31 am
Pray for God to save my sons. Miah and Siah. For deliverance. For God to open their eyes. And saved them from hurting themselves. And deliverance for daughter . Some how satan has gotten ahold to our children. Miah was find , now he acts weird does not eat much. Loss alot of weight. Really concerned about him. Siah needs deliverance. And youngest daughter. I am in prayer daily. Lord God save my sons and daughters. Save Miah from hurting himself, malnutrition, protect his eyesight and his skin. Save my youngest daughter, and Siah and my other son. My married daughtes. Pray for God to save all 6 out children.
Crystal from the United States
June 24 at 5:30 am
Please pray for my sister, Renae, and the Warren family. My nephew was tragically shot and killed Friday 6/23. We are uncertain of the events of his death and are asking the Lord to reveal the truth and give peace in the mist of this sorrow.
Crystal from the United States
June 24 at 5:28 am
Please pray for my sister,Renae, and the Warren family. My nephew was tragically shot and killed Friday 6/23. We are uncertain of the events of his death and are asking the Lord to reveal the his truth and give peace in the mist of this sorrow.
lisa chamblee from the United States
June 23 at 10:31 pm
dear lord help me with this anger for these people abusing me they just attacked my home page on the prayerteam and messed with the home page in lebon me united states new hamphire is on border and most likely the state office does it they started invading my accounts there before election in office on a computer there now I just mainly do my faith groups but there not normal and our attacking web pages so please pray for me while this hate groups our attacking things and pray for peace in the holy land thank lord
GJR from the United States
June 23 at 9:14 pm
I praise the living God
I sing my song to You
One touch from You melts me down,
But Your love draws me up from the ground,
Hallelujahs hallelujahs glory be to You my King!
Thank You Lord for many answered prayers along the way
Through the narrow path, You faithfully lead me and family through the dark scene, thank You for in the darkest scenes, we be light for Your glory, We be salt of the world for Your glory, and Your love covers a multitude of sins, Your strong and almighty arm opens doors to the highest floor, Your strong and almighty arm closes doors none can open, forgive our mediocre ways of living, we are need need of Your power, presence and fellowship every minutes of the day. Bless be Your name holy Lord My God and Savior, I desire to dive deep into the fountain of Your love, Lord Jesus, am so grateful for all done for me and family in protecting us, providing for us our needs, healing and salvation. Hallelujahs forever be the truth, love, and shalom of the Lord overwhelming
Richmond loguhe from Ivory Coast
June 23 at 7:34 pm
merci de prier pour mes 10ans de mariage, qui aura lieu le 12 juillet. Shalom
Richmond loguhe from Ivory Coast
June 23 at 7:30 pm
shalom merci de prier pour moi que le Seigneur fasse réussir mon projet d'investir dans le transport. Et de pouvoir réaliser mon projet de me construire une maison.
Gabriela from the United Kingdom
June 23 at 11:04 am
For a mighty spiritual breakthrough on my birthday which is 2nd July 2018 between 5-8pm which will be a prophetic for the establishing the Lion of Judahs Kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus Christ name. Halellujah.
June 23 at 10:38 am
Novella from the United States
June 23 at 10:30 am
Father I thank you for your mercy on me and my family. I thank you for all you have done. I ask that you would provide a job for me to be able to help pay our bills and help others. I ask your will be done in our lives today.
In Jesus Name. Amen
Michael Perez from the United States
June 23 at 9:44 am
Please ask Dr Charles Stanly to Personally Pray for me.
Please Pray for Michael Perez in Richmond Hill Georgia to be forgiven from his Sins and Inquities through the blood of Jesus Christ Yeshua Ha Mashiach Amen.
Also please Pray for Marrige Restoration for Dina Loi Perez and Michael Perez in Richmond Hill Georgia. For Dina to give her husband another chance in the Name of Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua Ha Mashiach Amen.
Also please continue to pray for Pastor Robert Morris Recovery from his sergury in the Name of Jesus Christ Yeshua Ha Mashiach Amen.
Judith from the United States
June 23 at 9:35 am
Pray for me i have alot of charlanges and kindly pray i get VISA which i applyed for thank you so much men and women of god.
Ruby from the United States
June 23 at 5:58 am
Please pray for my son Marc. He was in the Iraqi war in 2001-2003 and was in infantry and a front line war. He battles with PTSD and I think it is mostly spiritual attackes. He and his wife divorced 2 or so years ago and they were trying to have a child. When they split up she got pregnant and married the baby's father. Pray that he will forgive and move on and stop taking all the meds the VA is giving him. That God in Jesus name will heal him spiritually and physically
Thank you for praying
Ruby from the United States
June 23 at 5:54 am
Please remember me in your prayers. I have a new manager since last July and I believe the company is trying to get rid of all older employees. By the grace of God I've been at this company for 32 years. I've been bullied before from 2004 thru med 2012. So many left the company, retired before they had planned and or moved to another dept. I was moved to another dept and have had now 3 managers. The company provides free counseling for up to 8 sessions. I have a totally new team and I don't know how to handle this. In 2004-2012 I kicked into fear and this is the reason I've been going to the counseling sessions. I am sure they have to report back to the company why I am attending the sessions. I am not really well prepared to retire and was hoping to work at least 3 more years. In 2011 I caved into to fear and withdrew my 401K to pay off my home. I don't have a lot of money in that account. Thank you for praying
Nighat Waris from Pakistan
June 23 at 2:24 am
Myself is Nighat from Pakistan i request you to pray for myself pray for myself and family or my love Shazad I'm having with financial crisis my business, my house, my car and health please pray for my request in Jesus mighty name Amen
Nighat Waris from Pakistan
June 23 at 2:18 am
Myself is Nighat from Pakistan i request you to pray for myself and family or my love in Jesus mighty name
ly from Estonia
June 23 at 1:02 am
Could You please pray for my marriage:
We need total healing in our marriage. That the relationship would be emotionally secure, so that we would be the most loving ones to each other. Also encouraged, confirmed, honored,and loved by each other. To have a sense of security in communication. God would release us from anxiety and speaking in preventer pattern. I ask for a healed communication to a marriage, that we would love to communicate. I pray that my husband would leave behind "the frames of the life as Single". My husband needs deliveration from computer dependency and tobacco dependency. Praying that God would release us from shame, inferiority and emotional abandonment. The negative patterns of communication would break down. That our characters would be changed to please the Lord.
Prayer that my husband's childhood father and God the Father, both relationships would be healed. My husband would be releast from the fear of failure (in communication). That he wou
LovelyRenu from India
June 23 at 12:59 am
plz pray for me
i want to meet him once
plz pray for me to make way for me to meet him and disclose everything
priyadarshiniGandhi from India
June 22 at 10:30 pm
The wickedHindutvabjpgovthadframedatssurvellaijcebased on fakepaperstodisregardzionandclose12tgqlaneonfalsechargespleasepraythatsurvellainceremoved,myhomeopenedtomeandmysonRakshanbut let wicked bjpseethattodisregardzionmeanswrathofjehovahJehovahSaboath
beatrice mulder from the United States
June 22 at 10:24 pm
prayer forowed money to c ome to mecrossroad in life.desirejubilical life enjoy agying years except a sexual abuse relationship from a guy i still cant 74 years old was vulernable because of attention and charm.
Joshua kusi from Ghana
June 22 at 5:52 pm
Greetings to prayer intercessors, please help me to pray to our lord Jesus Christ our soon coming king to empower me with his Holy Spirit, forgiveness of my sins and divine healings in my body, I need the favor of God in my life and his divine protection in my journey ( I'm working in Dubai) in Jesus Name.
Jena from the United States
June 22 at 3:19 pm
Prayers for my house to sell immediately and for a decent offer for favor from god in this area hx
Karen S from the United States
June 22 at 9:40 am
Thank you dear LORD GOD for our protection. I pray for continued protection for my family, my husband Scott, son Jeff, daughter Hollie (& her husband Rollie) and myself. Please LORD hide us under the shadow shelter of your wings and fight against those who fight against us and shut the mouths of the lions. Bless us in all we do and bless the work of our hands. Thank you mighty LORD GOD. In JESUS precious name I pray.
Karen from the United States
June 22 at 9:38 am
Thank you LORD for protection. I pray for continued protection for my family, my husband Scott, son Jeff, daughter Hollie (& her husband Rollie) and myself. Please LORD hide us under the shadow & shelter of your wings and fight against those who fight against us and shut the mouths of the lions. Bless us in all we do and bless the work of our hands. Thank you mighty LORD GOD. In JESUS precious name I pray.
rebecca from Canada
June 22 at 6:46 am
pleas pray with me. Thankyou Lord that your kingdom of heaven has come. Christ consciousness has overcome our world now shifting all hearts and minds into heavenly consciousness now. All has become more wonderfully positive, more magnificently heavenly, divine, clean, smart, joyous, kind, friendly, social, liberated, forgiving, peaceful, calm, lovely, beautiful, smiling, laughing, fun, compassionate, empathetic, brave, grateful, obedient, respectful, polite, considerate, reliable, trusting, loyal, heavenly syncronized, heavenly generosity , heavenly prosperity for all, going the extra mile in all things, attentive, caring, prompt, courageous, confident, godly, pure, holy, loving, cleanly, efficient, team players, youthful, healthy, repaired, healed, self sufficient, miraculous, supernatural, angelic, wishes and dreams come true, blissful, more than any person could possibly imagine. All is heavenly bliss now. Jesus is Lord of all. In Jesus name. Amen
F from the United States
June 22 at 4:58 am
Papa, Heavenly Father, Abba! Jesus my Lord, friend, brother, Savior-I am Your beloved daughter and bride. Holy Spirit Come! I call on You-come! You are Holy and perfect and can do ALL things! I know You love me! I know You hear me! You hear my cries for help-but You also see the scilence when the enemy has shut my mouth- You see my twisted perversion when my mouth has turned against You. I want NO part in this! Papa! Help me! Spirit blow out like a mighty wind EVERYTHING in me that has clung to me or I cling to that is against You. Remember me with Your love. Pull me back into Your Holy presence covered in the love and blood of Jesus. You can do ALL things and I ask something small of You. That You would bring me back into Your arms of love to change EVERYTHING bind my wandering heart towards Yours 100% Mind, Body, Soul Spirit. I want to be Holy and set apart in Your love, for Your love, for partnership with You. That the enemy would have NO NOT one foot in my heart, mind! You’re will
glenn from Philippines
June 22 at 3:51 am
Hi im glenn please pray for my cousin her name is sweetheart her parents died already and she is in i.c.u hospital her brother is worried they are only two her and her brother please pray for immediate recovery in Jesus name Amen
Sunny magar from India
June 21 at 11:47 pm
Hi team Jerusalem
Please pray for my family amen...
lisa chamblee from the United States
June 21 at 7:05 pm
dear father, we pray today for the people on the prayer wall that you answer there prayers lord and that you guide them in there time a pain or be praised for thanks to, we pray for israel and the terrisit to we ask that they see that doing what they do is not going to do them or anybody any good and that not coming out honest into the light does nothing but make them hated really and nobody can fix there problems that way , we pray for israel and the ones behind them that even though it hard to be fighting these people we can not allow terrists to get there way of getting other people in anti government and lawless ness in jesus name amen
Michael, Al from the United States
June 21 at 6:11 pm
I'll make this short, because I wrote out a nice long loving message and it didn't get posted.. I was a lil, let down..
If we, who are truly in the Body of our Christ Jesus, want Jesus to come collect His bride, His Church body, then we have to, HAVE TO, START PRAYING FOR EXACTLY THAT!
I truly believe, our Father God, WILL NOT, have His Archangel sound the trumpet for Christ Jesus to return to collect us, His bride, UNTIL, He, our Father, hears enough prayers from His children, the true body of Christ Jesus, for exactly that, prayers for Jesus to return for the Rapture of His church, His bride! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, TRUST ME ON THIS! Jesus expressed for us to fervently pray for His return! And Jesus, NEVER EVER, did or said anything that didn't have a deep meaning or lesson... Pray anyway you like just PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PRAY! AMEN!
Christopher Cross from the United States
June 21 at 5:13 pm
That GOD will allow me to transfer divisions at my company as a truck driver from Frozen Food Express to Kllm to where most of the employees say that there is more Money to be made and That satan's
plan to hinder my money will be reverse according to GOD'S law of sowing and reaping in accordance to my enemy and myself.
Galatians 6:7-8;
Proverbs 6:31;Psalms 35:1-10
Anthony from the United States
June 21 at 4:53 pm
God bless me with a wife
Delai Lasaro from Fiji
June 21 at 3:01 pm
O koya sa kaukauwa, na kalou, io, ko Jiova, sa vosa oti.
Calvin Brooks from the United States
June 21 at 12:41 pm
Please pray for me and my wife marriage shall grow stronger, in the name of Jesus, and All drama from the devil will be broken never to come back in Jesus name amen
Patricia from the United States
June 21 at 10:37 am
Please pray for my son Joshua he is in the process of trying to buy this home from the owner James. His waiting on a answer from the owner now. This is everything he has been looking for for his family he has two small children and wants to buy a home to raise his children. Please pray God will bless them on this home it’s also close to his work. Pray God’s favor upon my son and the home & the owner of house. Thank you for praying. Amen
Patricia from the United States
June 21 at 10:33 am
Please pray for my son Joshua he is in the process of trying to buy this home from the owner James. His waiting on a answer from the owner now. This is everything he has been looking for for his family he has two small children and wants to buy a home to raise his children. Please pray God will bless them on this home it’s also close to his work. Pray God’s favor upon my son and the home & the owner of house. Thank you for praying. Amen
Beth from the United States
June 21 at 7:15 am
Please pray for me. I was injured in a serious head on car collision May 13. I am suffering from a concussion and multiple spinal disc injuries though not paralyzed—- great pain. Please pray that Father God heals me and gives me the strength I need to help others. In the precious name of Jesus— my Lord and Savior. May God have mercy and bless you all for your prayers.
For Family from India
June 21 at 4:26 am
May God the Father anoint me (Sebastian) with the Holy Spirit and clothe me with the Power-Spirit and Authority of Jesus Christ to preach the gospel according to Mark 16:15. May Jesus Christ anoint me with the double portion of tongues of fire what apostles received and may the Holy Spirit fill me with wisdom-knowledge-understanding and revelation on God the Trinity-The Church- and The word of God. May God the Father reveal his plan for my life and use me according to his will. May the Grace, love, protection, mercy and unity of Jesus Christ be with my family members - Anthony dass, Maria Theresa, Maria Basilica, Infant Sebastian, Jennifer Louis and the baby in her womb. May Jesus Christ forgive us of all our sins and heal our body-mind-soul-spirit. May God deliver us from every sin-evil-curse-bondage and set us free. Amen, Thanks.
April from the United States
June 21 at 1:50 am
Julie from the United States
June 20 at 10:02 pm
NEED $220.00 TO PAY FOR HOTEL TOMORROW (06/21/2018) IMMEDIATELY SINCE LIVING IN THE HOTEL FOR 6-7 MONTHS AND SEARCHING FOR APARTMENTS FOR THESE MONTHS. Need more than enough overflow blessings, compelte healing and spiritual deliverances in all areas of life. Need the SWIM and need a supernatural breakthroughs and answered prayers NOW. PRAY FOR REMOVAL OF POVERTY FROM OUR LIVES, BEEN LIVING IN POVERTY FOR THE PAST 6-7 MONTHS SINCE LIVING IN THE HOTEL.
Thank you,
A. Smith from the United States
June 20 at 9:59 pm
Dear Sir/Madam,
Please pray that I will have supernatural divine favor with Dr. Scahill because receive a 50% on my Supervised Ministry Hour Log and Reflection Questions Completion and please pray that grade will be fixed to an "A" grade on this assignment and the class because worked hard for my grade. Please pray that Dr. Scahill see all my hours done and completed and all will go well. RELEASE OF $220.00 and to have more than enough/overflow blessings, favor, complete healing, and spiritual deliverances from attacks from academic grades, health, etc.
Thank you,
A. Smith
Stephen from the United States
June 20 at 8:07 pm
I pray for the security and safety of the United States and Israel. I pray for my brother to be successful in looking for a new job.
Karen from the United States
June 20 at 6:46 pm
Please pray for Harley and his mother to see the hand of God provide for them as he comes out of prison as a man of God. He has sold drugs from the age of 10 and worked with the drug cartel. He is now 27 and scared coming out of prison and thinks God isn’t helping him. He will need a job and housing for them both.
Johnna from the United States
June 20 at 6:24 pm
Prayers please for my husband has not been able to work steadily due to back problems now and we have only my income which has been stressful. Prayers that he will be approved for disability benefits. I am thankful to God for family members who have helped us and continue to help but I wish not to be burdensome, so we are praying for approval will come soon.
vincent from Uganda
June 20 at 5:49 pm
oh lord my God, lord God of Israel, at 44+years deliver me from attacks of the occultist/spirit masters, domination of wrong doers, exploitation by satanic agents, transfer of my God given favor and anointing and provisions to occultists, homelessness & a fierce people and a people with a stammering tongue, in Jesus name
lisa chamblee from the United States
June 20 at 3:47 pm
dear lord, I pray to day for the prayers on the prayer wall my they get a answer lord and my they get peace from your will I pray for the charitys that they get donations to help the people in Israel and other jews, I pray for the immagration problems of the world and that trump and congress stop this problem in the united states I, pray for the hope to come to world before 2009 and we work again or have a income I am praying for my ssd hearing and feel ok, about it I pray that I get something soon so can help my family really and have choices of my own I also pray that the hate groups against people like the jews and christens will stop and the hate stops in jesus name amen
angelo and lena sturino from the United States
June 20 at 2:03 pm
Prayers for the Peace of Jerusalem............ For our Jewish Family and loved ones always...............................
Mindy from the United States
June 20 at 11:04 am
I think i may well have lost the holy spirit and committed the unpardonable sin. Will you ask the Lord to communicate this truth to me somehow? I've had many many dreams, mostly that I cant be saved. I do not know if its spiritual warfare. Or if i cant be saved. So anxious and depressed. Have been suicidal, drinking to cope. Thank you!!!
Sheila from Zimbabwe
June 20 at 9:27 am
People of God please help me to pray to God to heal my daughter Marylin from scholiosis, she suffers so much pain on her back and her spine is now bending over. She is only 28 years old and not yet married. She also desires to find a God fearing man to marry her. She is born again child of God but is loosing hope in life. Thank you
Deborah Sabo from Nigeria
June 20 at 6:17 am
I send you greetings in Jesus' name and commend you for the good work you are doing on behalf of the nation of Israel. I am a university lecturer but i desire to change my job. I hold a PhD in French and a Master's degree in International Affairs and Strategic Studies. In the last one year i have been trusting God for a job in any international organization or an oil company. Please join me to seek His face on this. May the Lord greatly reward you.
Chaplain KK from the United States
June 20 at 4:37 am
Amy’s protection Gods peace and courage to reign over her and her household. Reconciliation and healing with Joe. Healing protection and blessings over Mark n Karen’s marriage, Esther’s restored health. Klay n Cole to follow Christ wholly and raise their children for His glory. Mans wife’s salvation and reconciliation of marriage. Moses and Neljnda encouragement, financial blessings and peace.
Chaplain KK from the United States
June 20 at 4:31 am
Filbertos freedom in court 6/28/18 & to receive Gods gift of tonguesnthis month the Lord willing. Gods peace and blessings on Noel, Joe and David as they go for court next week. Protection and blessed day/evening this Sunday as 26 inmates are baptized into Christ.
Sheila from Zimbabwe
June 20 at 3:03 am
Good morning intercessors. Please help me to pray for my nephew T. Munemo who is 17 years old and has a pinched nerve on his spinal cord which has resulted in him being parallised the whole body. The doctors say that he needs to go to India for surgery which will cost US$20000.00 besides air tickets and accomodation for him and his mother. The parents can not afford it because the father earns a meager salary of $250.00 per month which should cater for other children, food, rentals, etc. He needs devine intervention. The mother has to bath, feed and carry him to the toilet everyday. Thank you
Abhishek from India
June 20 at 2:51 am
God, please forgive me for the sins I committed during my childhood. I will never repeat them.
April from the United States
June 19 at 10:50 pm
Prayer for Unlimited Favor at my job, city, church, schools, community in our lives, God wisdom, knowledge, understanding of His word. More of God's anointing and Holy Ghost power to live His will and help save the lost and revive the saved. God's hedge of protection for my children and me.
April from the United States
June 19 at 10:49 pm
Sheila from the United States
June 19 at 8:30 pm
I am request prayer for young Hannah. Hannah has had so many issues working against her from parents with various addictions and other children making fun of her, rejecting her, calling her names and treating her like she has no feelings at all. Even now, her parents do not make quality decisions that help her, but actually corrupt her. She believes in Jesus, but, the enemy is working overtime to keep her bound. She has a lot of anger inside working against her. Thank you for your fervent effectual prayers. God bless you. Amen.
Sheila from the United States
June 19 at 8:22 pm
JoAnna, a very precious pastor's wife, is scheduled for laser surgery on June 22, 2018. JoAnna has suffered greatly with pain in her back and has multiple leg spasms and many falls as a result for almost 4 years now. The doctors believe that they have finally located the source of spurs on her spine that have grown into the nerves and something about stenosis. Please pray for this precious woman of God. Thank you and God bless you for your fervent effectual prayers.
Alice from the United States
June 19 at 8:05 pm
Romans 8: Apostle Paul: Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, 2 because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you[a] free from the law of sin and death. 3 For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh,[b] God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering.[c] And so he condemned sin in the flesh, 4 in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.
I pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the Israeli people, God's chosen people. I pray for salvation by God through Jesus Christ who died for us. Shalom
Miguel Antonio Amaya Mendoza from El Salvador
June 19 at 6:53 pm
Lord God Almighty King of the Universe, Holy Blessed One, and Glorified be Your Great Name Baruch HaShem Adonay Le Olam Vaed. Blessed be Your Holy Land and Beloved People of the State of Israel, May the Lord bless you and prosper your labors and lives Ebenu Shalom Alejem Sha`alu Shalom Yerushalaim Am Israel Jay.I come before your presence begging you mercy and humiliated I ask you forgiveness for my sins, I beg you to free my life from all bondage of oppression of the evil one, by the precious blood of your son Yeshua Ha`Mashiaj, cleanse me and free me or good saintly father. I ask you to heal me from my diseases from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet, by your blessed mercy of I beg you. And also that you anoint me with the Holy Fire of your Ruach HaKodesh , to achieve your peace, health and happiness. I also beg for my family: my father Miguel Angel Amaya, in Tampa, Florida, USA, to be your Lord of Israel legalizing his immigration status and providing that Green Card
DEBRA CRITTENDON from the United States
June 19 at 6:28 pm
I pray for my finances to go to Jeruselum this year for closer walk with God almighty pray for for grandkids and greatgrandkids tavis to get out of jail early to take care of his kids to get the baptism of the Holy ghost acacia to be saved and delivered Shannon to be healed and be able to work in the name of Jesus amen
Jamal from the United States
June 19 at 5:32 pm
Can you pray for me for divine protection that no harm or danger (seen or unseen) come against me from my enemies. Also, pray for the womb of darkness to be broken off my life in Jesus name. Amen
Dorothy from the United States
June 19 at 4:28 pm
pray for my sister who is having a difficult time.
Thank you
Jena from the United States
June 19 at 12:56 pm
Prayers for my house to sell for god to make a way for some buyers and some offers thx I’m about to give up hope it will sell
Jena from the United States
June 19 at 12:52 pm
Prayers for a miracle for my house to sell , been on mkt for a few offers please , about ready to give up thx also for my son John for him to be delivered form demonic oppression for my son James to grow up and desire a real relationship with me his mom for me to not give up on god thx
Sumalathapraveenkumar from India
June 19 at 9:58 am
Please pray for my wife as she is suffering from headache, teeth pain,eyes related problem,and body pains. Please pray for my wife body parts to function normally and spiritually protected. Please pray for me as I doing a job in M/s Surya Power Projects and also increment the salary. Kindly part for us as we are looking for kids.
Thank you.
Sumalathapraveenkumar from India
June 19 at 9:52 am
Kindly please pray for my wife Sumalatha as she is suffering from headache , teeth pain, eyes related problem,and body pains. Please pray for my wife body parts to function normally and spiritually protected. And also pray for me as I am doing a job in M/s Surya Power Projects. Please pray for me and to my colleagues and also to increment my salary.
Please pray for us as we are looking for kids.
Thank you.
Nina from the United States
June 19 at 9:46 am
My sons fighting a stomach bug. He threw up alot nds prayer a lady i know having heart issues. God bless your ministry
desyree from the United States
June 19 at 8:46 am
Hi I’m homeless jobless need a roof over my head ASAP
Money coming in ASAP
Shirley from the United Kingdom
June 19 at 2:46 am
Dear Father,
As my daughter KB facing her first year A’ level exams on
Monday 18th June - WJEC exam board English Plath/Hughes
Monday 18th June- Edexcel exam board Religious Studies paper 2
Tuesday 19th June - OCR exam board History paper 2
Thursday 21st June - Edexcel exam board Religious Studies paper3
I trust in you that you will guide her and give her constant energy and power to be able to concentrate on all her aspect of these exams. I ask now that your spirit would lead her. Come sharpen her thinking and help her to excel in these exams of her learning and understanding. May she be able to recall everything she need from her studies and answer each question well? You Lord sweet Jesus give her peace of mind this hard and difficult times as she's facing her first year Exams in June 2018 that she gets all A in her 3 ‘A’ levels exams.
Leah Peralta from Philippines
June 19 at 1:52 am
Please pray for complete healing for my Husband Nick Peralta who has an aortic regurgitation in the heart, for myself healing for skin allergies, for Nelia Almonte complete healing in her stomach due to crons desease. For the success of the business of my sister Flor Khattab who is now base in Naga City with her family, and for my daughter Althea Joyce Peralta to find a good job, and also good health and wisdom for my 82 years old mom, Letty Santos. Thank you so much & GOD bless us all! Shalom!
Jilian from India
June 18 at 11:25 pm
Fast & pray. Heavenly father forgive all our sins (me, daughter, husband). Deliver us from all devil’s chain. Father have mercy-grace on my daughter touch & heal her mind-body completely YOU know. Father shower YOUR blessings of success-knowledge-wisdom-good health-joy-peace-happiness-protection on her. Help her in study, guide her. No one may harm- hurt her. Protect her from all evil-illness-infection. Provide all her needs (healthy food). Touch-heal our mind-body-soul. Protect me & my job. No one may harm-hurt me. Father I need finance, help me. Heal my mind-body. Deliver me from evil-unwanted thoughts. Heal my fingers. Father touch & heal my husband. Remove his stony heart, OPEN his eyes to see his wife-daughter. Destroy all evil plans to hurt us. THANK YOU FATHER FOR EVERYTHING IJN Amen
Jilian from India
June 18 at 11:20 pm
Fast & pray. Heavenly father forgive all our sins (me, daughter, husband). Deliver us from all devil’s chain. Father have mercy-grace on my daughter touch & heal her mind-body completely YOU know. Father shower YOUR blessings of success-knowledge-wisdom-good health-joy-peace-happiness-protection on her. Help her in study, guide her. No one may harm- hurt her. Protect her from all evil-illness-infection. Provide all her needs (healthy food). Touch-heal our mind-body-soul. Protect me & my job. No one may harm-hurt me. Father I need finance, help me. Heal my mind-body. Deliver me from evil-unwanted thoughts. Heal my fingers. Father touch & heal my husband. Remove his stony heart, OPEN his eyes to see his wife-daughter. Destroy all evil plans to hurt us. THANK YOU FATHER FOR EVERYTHING IJN Amen
Hasanpreet Singh from India
June 18 at 9:49 pm
Praise the lord
Prayer for my father Mr. Raj singh
For his life and pray for his mind
Please pray for my father and my home to sale my home
Praise the lord
LovelyRenu from India
June 18 at 9:27 pm
Pray for my friend help him in getting visa and prepare such a path for him to start his journey in a safe atmosphere
LovelyRenu from India
June 18 at 9:21 pm
plz pray for me
help me God in fulfilling my desires
Biondy from the United States
June 18 at 6:28 pm
God please send me, a financial breakthrough because you love me God throughout your son Jesus Christ who shed his blood for my salvation. Thank you Lord in advance.
Emmanuel F. Benahoe from Liberia
June 18 at 5:36 pm
Praise to the Lord.
Isaiah 25:1-5
1. O Lord you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name for in perfect faithfulness you have done marvelous things,
things planned long ago.
2. You have made the city a heap of rubble the foreigners' stronghold a city no more; it will never be rebuilt.
3. Therefore strong peoples will honour you;
Cities of ruthless nations will revere you.
lisa chamblee from the United States
June 18 at 5:26 pm
dear father, I pray for peace and I pray to stop any anger at the people that lied about me and hurt me lord I now we suppose to turn the other check and try but right now I need some help to lord, and pray the ssd hearing goes good and or something happens good soon after but thank you lord for my kids health and I pray things will be normal again soon amen
Dorita from the United States
June 18 at 12:45 pm
Please pray for my sister to get the job she interviewed for. Amen and Amen
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